Frases de feliz dia das mães em inglês: As Melhores 50 Frases

No dia das mães, é importante mostrar o quanto sua mãe é especial e o quanto você a aprecia. Uma ótima maneira de fazer isso é através de mensagens carinhosas e significativas. Aqui estão algumas frases de feliz dia das mães em inglês para você se inspirar:

“Mom, you are the queen of my heart and the rock of my world. I love you more than words can express.”

“To the world you may be just one person, but to me you are the world. Happy Mother’s Day!”

“Thank you for always being there for me, for your unconditional love and endless support. You are my guiding star, Mom.”

“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there. Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who is my everything.”

“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. Thank you for being my rock, Mom.”

Neste dia das mães, não deixe de demonstrar todo o seu amor e gratidão pela pessoa que te deu a vida e cuidou de você desde o primeiro instante. Seja criativo e escreva uma mensagem personalizada para a sua mãe, mostrando o quanto ela é especial para você. Aproveite essas frases de feliz dia das mães em inglês para inspirar o seu texto e emocionar a sua mãe.

Lembre-se, o mais importante é o sentimento por trás das palavras. Seja sincero e demonstre todo o seu amor e apreço pela sua mãe neste dia tão especial. Ela certamente ficará emocionada e feliz em receber uma mensagem tão carinhosa e significativa como essa. Afinal, o amor de mãe é único e incomparável, merece ser celebrado de forma especial.

As Melhores Frases de feliz dia das mães em inglês

1. Happy Mother’s Day, mom!
2. Wishing you a day filled with love and happiness, dear mother.
3. To the best mom in the world: Happy Mother’s Day!
4. You are the rock of our family, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
5. Sending you lots of love and hugs on Mother’s Day.
6. Thank you for everything you do, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
7. You are my hero, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
8. Here’s to a special woman who raised me with love. Happy Mother’s Day!
9. To the woman who gave me life: Happy Mother’s Day!
10. You are my inspiration, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
11. Sending you warm wishes on Mother’s Day, dear mother.
12. You are the heartbeat of our family, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
13. Cheers to the woman who sacrifices so much for her children. Happy Mother’s Day!
14. You are a beautiful mother inside and out. Happy Mother’s Day!
15. To the woman who always puts her children first: Happy Mother’s Day!
16. You are a blessing in my life, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
17. Thank you for always being there for me, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
18. Woohoo! It’s Mother’s Day! Time to celebrate the amazing mother you are.
19. Wishing you a day filled with joy and relaxation, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
20. You are a superwoman in my eyes, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
21. Love you to the moon and back, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
22. You are the glue that holds our family together, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
23. You are the epitome of strength and grace, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
24. Here’s to a mother who deserves all the love in the world. Happy Mother’s Day!
25. To the woman who taught me everything I know: Happy Mother’s Day!
26. Thank you for always believing in me, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
27. You are my sunshine on a rainy day, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
28. Wishing you a day as beautiful as you are, dear mother. Happy Mother’s Day!
29. You are the heart and soul of our family, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
30. You are the queen of our hearts, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
31. Your love knows no bounds, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
32. Thank you for being my guiding light, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
33. To the woman who raised me to be the person I am today: Happy Mother’s Day!
34. You are a truly remarkable mother, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
35. Here’s to a woman who does it all with grace and love. Happy Mother’s Day!
36. You are simply the best, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
37. Wishing you a day filled with pampering and relaxation, dear mother. Happy Mother’s Day!
38. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for me, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
39. Here’s to a mother who never gives up on her children. Happy Mother’s Day!
40. You are a shining example of love and strength, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
41. To the woman who shapes our lives with love and care: Happy Mother’s Day!
42. You are a true gem, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
43. Thank you for all the love and wisdom you have given me, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
44. You are a beacon of light in my life, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
45. Here’s to a mother who is always there when I need her. Happy Mother’s Day!
46. Wishing you a day as special as you are, dear mother. Happy Mother’s Day!
47. Thank you for being the best mom in the world, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
48. You are a rockstar mom, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
49. You are my greatest blessing, mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
50. To the woman who means everything to me: Happy Mother’s Day!

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Frases de feliz dia das mães em inglês

Frases de feliz dia das mães em inglês

Dicas sobre Frases de feliz dia das mães em inglês

What are some popular quotes for Mothers Day?

“Happy Mother’s Day! Some popular quotes to celebrate this special day include: ‘A mother’s love is unconditional’, ‘Home is where your mom is’ and ‘Thank you for everything, Mom.'”

How can I celebrate Mothers Day with meaningful quotes?

Você pode celebrar o Dia das Mães compartilhando citações significativas que expressem seu amor e gratidão. Escolha palavras sinceras que demonstrem o quanto sua mãe é especial para você.

E aí, o que você achou das Frases? Compartilhe e Comente abaixo!

Fernanda Teixeira
Fernanda Teixeira

Fernanda Teixeira é uma redatora experiente na escrita e criação de Frases, com 15 anos dedicados à arte das palavras, ela se especializa em compartilhar as frases mais inspiradoras e reflexivas sobre temas variados, como amor, reflexão, inspiração e sabedoria bíblica.

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